You sound so sure - why? sosa ask tony do you know why we kill childrenand tony just says there just kids manesosa explanes to tony that killing children is part of the dopegame to let others know not to fuck with us tony!!! You`ve got at least 7-8 AR-15`s in that group, yet none of the 3 were killed by a single bullet. I felt it diminished my humanity. I do remember that during the actual beheading of the DEAD guy I ran into serious problems with neck muscle and more so with the spinal cord. The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. All these guys end up the same way, on the other end of the sword. The Nazis probably didn't do this shit. Later, they sent her away with her mother, giving them 1,000 pesos for bus fare. Or am in absolute pain with a hangnail.Cutting off your fingers. I mean "el cuarenta " is the one that needs to be taken out. "This "sad whining motherfuckers" EXACTLY describes YOU - you whine about the whining! Very true^^ ,different killings mean different thingsWho ever it was who made that video ,,, shot that guy in the head no doubtThey probably trusted thiss guy and took it personal ,snitches get sliced and diced. I give people the benefit of a doubt but u don't u sick motherfucker! !.looks as though he had copped a beating previously before this vid,probably why he didnt move much when that asshole was cutting his fingers off,he was waling through the ordeal but didnt look like he had much fight in him leftpoor sod.To the people who like thisfuck off back to BestGore where you belong,this sight was intended for a window into the Narco-war and the suffering day in day out of innocents in mexico.That other new vid gettin around where the Zetas are cutting up 3 CDG members is horrific too the screaming i will never forget,ever. Was the guy being decapitated feeling the cutting of bus fingers he didn't even make any moves or yells? America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation and it is not just cartel members suffering these fates. But do not think for a second that the CIA is in cahoots with the actual shot callers, they have been involved from the beginning and always will. when the Russians were at war in Afghanistan, the Russian soldiers would carry a revolver on their person, not for personal protection, but so they wouldn't get taken alive by the Afghans and avoid the torture and decapitation. Stupid fuck and guess what white people are fat too ignorant bastard!!! have a good day. These types of atrocities allways happen in war but what's happening in Mexico isn't war it's just murder. Enemies: Zetas, Sinaloa Cartel, Tijuana Cartel The Gulf Cartel is one of the oldest and most powerful of Mexico's cartels, but it's lost a lot of ground in recent years to the Zetas, who were . I will admit at the time I was OK with it but after I had a few days to think about it; I was disgusted with myself as well as my buddies. gore anyways how is the u.s not progressing in life?isnt the us on planet earth, where are we supposed to progress to? Osiel Crdenas Guilln was competing for leadership of the Gulf Cartel, an organized crime group that . Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel. Chivis, message did not appear in the video. and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. The guy talking shit on Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the beginning of the thread, his name is Julian hristov. Los Zetas (pronounced [los setas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, formerly as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. Image caption, Gangs operating in other areas of Mexico are: Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion, Beltran Leyva Organisation, Sinaloa . The enforcers were based around a core group of rogue Mexican army commandos, formerly with. Thank you President Jefferson, you and your wisdom are dearly missed.Hasta luego,AmigoAnnimo. Drugs?? Id go on a cartel sweep and tortue all of them ! These fucking people are disgrace the killers in the video should deserve to die a painfull death. Thank you as well for devoting your time to reporting this drug war in english, there are a lot of spanish websites that talk about this but its good that this one is in english so that people on this side of the border can know what is really going on right next door. and now Norway where mexicans truly dont belong.. so don't even try to compare america to mexico, shit at least here you dont really have to live in a shiity town with no policehaa haa fuck that shit!!! Red wine and white wine(oh dont mention white to humpty back)?Sorry. U might not enjoy it as much. They are just a bunch of pussies who would be nothing by themselves so they gang up on people and harm them to make themselves feel better about how fucked up in the head they are.Period. These are fucking savages. Ty. U, you're self will do it. No they do not.if you knew anything about nature you would know that they kill for food territory to raise their young and mating animal has ever killed over a bag of crack, Well damn!! Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. I remember that punish those that need to be punished leave women and children alone, baylor university and baylor medical school are two different entities now, so where is a bad medical school?? @3:45am they got killed cause they fuckn Golfo whores. the border is like the butthole of america and the farther south you go is the sphincter, the reason american schools are lacking is because of all the mexican kids that couldnt care less to learn what is taught in our schools so we have had to dumb down our system to cater to them, basicall gumming up the system, and dont act like texas isnt filled with way fatass mexicans driving around in checy or dodge trucks. death being answered with worse and worse death. Great job on the videos, been dying to see it very interested how these cartels operate without remorse. That was the name of the guy in the first vid? I live in this area im surrounded by demons like dis.. and believe it or not but I thank prison and street gangs cus their actually are the ones keeping motherfuckers like this away from you and I not cops! this act cant be forgive never! what does it prove? - Viewer from Laredo Tx. I get so seriously mad. Basically they have more than any police force does in Mexico. @February 27, 2013 at 3:04 PM The guy who is going crazy below your comment also got his nuts cut off,thats why he hates everyone,sad i know,but what you gonna do? The Los Zetas cartel gunmen even executed the family dog. I was trying to compare your thoughts with his, same sentiment I thought. All for $ and loyalty. The message is fight to the death for nif you may be captured by police or army or an enemy cartel you will be the star in a snuff video.The cartel members all discuss how they would be brave and silent if being executed in a live decapitation. After watching it my heart was beating extremely fast, I was shaking, and my eyes had dilated.. @ 4:27 PMNo problem man. Wait for judgement day, once your souls go to hell you will be tortured non stop for all eternity. Point is he did something to deserve this. Thanks for serving and God Bless You, amigo,Mexico-Watcher. Is this CDG executing a Zeta? They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!! It operates in more than half of the country's 32 states. Zetas and CDG: Execution Videos Borderland Beat This is a horrific execution video, that begins with a man alive and tied. BTWI am not so sure this is the work of CDG..could be but others are saying the message warns this is an example of the fate of those against zetas. or send me the complete text. feetfetish (See Vigilantes Mante. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. Their own death what they worship La Santa Muerte takes care of them too. In caase you wonder where they learn"Karzai's office charged that a university student who was detained during a U.S. operation in Wardak province, southwest of Kabul, was later found with his head and fingers cut off. The points you made about getting caught up in the homicidal madness of war fit in with certain things concerning "soldiering" through the ages. Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel The video shows four women on their knees in a field, their hands tied behind their backs. They have money, power, influence, and control and will not be stopped. People please. Then they cut off his head. ! @ kuerno762 Appreciate the translations and anything you can do in that regard,keep it up if you can brother. dismembered Will not subject myself to that again"Hilarious,such pretentiousness.Good for you.This is humanity.Just because it isn't you or your loved ones, humanity is diminished. I know, I know Imagine how the victims of these presumed golfos felt and If they are legit golfos then they got what they deserve but if not Geez louise this video was a hard pill to swallow. its sad that mexico happened to be next door to the best country in the world. Fuck those bastards. Juana went on to become one of the gang's most feared killers and, after. I was speaking from the heart, not with malice or anger or judgement. Corts Prez, Julio Csar Corts Garca, Look here whore golfos, here we have your fucking people, this is going One of the women says that her son-in-law works in this cartel. But the rich is to rich to stop there habbit. killer My apologies, the foto originally posted did not seem to go with the story, I did a search and found the foto was really a poor David Roso not even of Mexico he was executed before his intended wedding in August of 2010. I can see killing if you're a soldier and fighting in defense of your country. Cartel videos related to the cartel. Like I say you want money? They further stated they knew that a man named Alejandro i would hope that they are all good. We beat them down. Movies are not reality. Most likely. Hookers and drugs have made my life a much more pleasurable one; and not at the expense of taxes & bills. He tells them that they are free to go but the husband (or bf, cant remember well) needs to stay. February 27, 2013 at 1:28 AM "@3:32pm didnt he mean the second vid wit the Zetas in a canefield killing Golfo's"Ok dude,my mistake,thanks for pointing that out,it looks like your right,i was wondering,thanks man. at least its more harmless and less painfully then a chainsaw. The gunmen murdered a young girl by the name of Estefania Martinez Diaz, a woman by the name of Mara Campillo Mata and a man by the name of Miguel Angel Mendoza. "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees, no? severedfoot, @2022 - All Right Reserved. Gulf Cartel Divorce Beginning in October 2004, Los Zetas embarked on a new mission: independence from the Gulf Cartel. fuk em they kill their own family members its the truth. His torture begins with fingers being sliced from his hand and then decapitated live. "All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union"Conspiracy anyone ? One statement holds true, Karma is a MF. videos like these should not be seen i feel sorry for them they should give them a bullet to the head and thats that done but cutting his head come on that is very wrong in the end the drug war is not winnable nither in the usa we have fighting drugs for over 50 years and nothing has changed what we should do is legize all drugs popele have the right to put what they want in there bodies. Animals seem to be kinder then us. accident This people are demon possessed only Satan can make people do this to another human, they will burn in hell. Perhaps e40 and his boys? Living on my own work 2 jobs actually working hard for a good future, unlike you lazy probably work minimum wage help out your parents on bills now feeling like a big shot and I know for a fact lazy due to the fact that you are even to lazy to type correctly on a screen where actually the only muscles you use are your FINGERS! Two hitmen from Los Zetas Cartel in Mexico crossed into Texas to carry out a home invasion turned execution, authorities revealed. Every cartel hurt even the inocent. what are they going to do get white people to go undercover in the cartels. The video shows four women on their knees in a field, their hands tied behind their backs. Either way, Something has to give. Just wanted to report there is a mobilization in several points of Reynosa. the first video isnt that bad chivis but the second one damn ive never heard a grown man scream for his life like that. all we doing is gloryfying this basterds. With Lazcano at the head of Los Zetas, Osiel Guillen in prison, and the Gulf Cartel weakened, Los Zetas entered its second phase of development, one that lasted until January 2010. At least animals only kill to eat and not out of aggression.maybe this guy did desereve it but i still cant watch have no interest in watching.ted bundy and jeffrey dahmer enjoyed this kind of stuff too so i guess that makes u no better than they were. I think that that is really sad and people need to stop doing stuff like that because they can go to hell for that, THAT IS REALLY SAD WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO THESE PEOPLE IT MAKES NO SINCE, The video of the golfos being decapitaded, valor por tamaulipas siad that two of them dind' t belong to any criminal group. This is why god is starting to turn his back on us, because of people like the narcs who murder for stupid shit. So much pain, hurt, helplessness, death on the other hand, so much inhumanity and aggression. As if spix don't off each other? Most narcos will be murderd, shot or rot in jail. Delta force centre spike and los pepes were all away at the moment they killed pablo. Ha, Lol if were such sick people who watch this remind us why your here my family is in Mx too Tamaulipas zeta territory you think this is bad not even close to what you see out there, is the message in display within the video?I did not watch it.maybe someone can translate the narco card? Including some states like durango, or cohuila. Cartel Del Golfo interrogation 4 Zetas these bastards have admitted to raping women,killing women, killing kids. This guys aint mexico they terrorize mexico. Actually no, I attent BU (Baylor University) just incase you don't know universities. I've gone from being shocked to angry. and to you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being murdered? maybe next time god will throw rocks at mexico because i dont see the value of it. I felt it diminished my humanity. and Gulf Cartel. CDG said in video "No te metas con esa gente" refering to don't get involed with those people (his cartel) Point blank it happened I enjoyed it and I know for a FACT I'm not the only one here. I could give you an example of something that was made in the U.S. and neither the FBI or Scotland Yard could determine the origins or who was actually in the print. deadmale Tell me, how would you react if you were standing in that field? I did not believe his family is in fear of him though which was proven when they hired one of the best atty in tx when he was arrested.I should repost that old post. You know I understand the saying "Live by the sword die by the sword." They were asked what information they knew of the Gulfo Cartel. Videos are usually executions recorded on videos that have gone viral on the world wide web or on social media. lmao. Ya dejense de pendejadas, if your going to traffic drugs do it but stop the senseless violence against your own people.I know there is far less opportunities there but seems like never ending for these guys.Saludos. "themostinterestingmaninamerica"Dude,i know right from wrong i don't mean to piss you off,im just telling you my truth from inside?Ok,i believe you.I have worked and dealt with violence,it is what it is?I don't mean to piss you off but,you yourself are hurting from all the violence,yet,you carry a Taurus?I use to go to festivals all the time.and your right,it was good man,everyone on the same vibe,but,at the same time,throw alcohol in the mix and see humanity change,good people get all crunk and want to start fighting,people who couldn't hurt a fly if they tried ordinarily.My comment stands,be cool brother,for real. Three of them are bare-chested. You are a sick fuck just watching it,in you mommies basement. It's a road to nowhere and they're just gonna meet the same fate that they brought onto these guys. On 2/10 Narcocorrido band Grupo Arriesgado was forced to cancel a concert in Tijuana after a report of shots were fired during an event Information obtained from authorities points to the victims being at the wrong place at the wrong time. !, Borderland Beat will post ANYTHING FOR US AND WE LUV PUBLICITY!! It is, what it is. Alive alive So they can see. Its crazy in Mexico, so much hatred in Mexico. Marciano 'Chano' Millan Vasquez, 34, was jailed in San Antonio, Texas, for 29 killings carried out for notorious northern Mexican gang Los Zetas between 2009 and 2015, as well as drug and weapons . The women have been identified as Lourdes Gregorio Garcia Amaya from Texas, Raymunda Amaya Contreras, Maria Del Rosario Carrizales Amaya, Griselda Carrizales Amaya and Maria Cirila Contreras Garcia. People who enjoy watching this shit and say things like "this was awesome" or "whoa nice beheading" (I've seen these comments on another site) are fucked up. It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. As the two factions continue their fierce fighting, gunmen from the two groups have taken to social media and banners to deliver threats to each other. Probably someone does something to you by accdient or intentionally like rob you or break into your car and then that could unleash ur inner sick fuken soul u fuken maniac! in my opinion i have never seen as much obesity as i have seen just in san antonio whole huge fucking families of sweaty fat-fuck mexicans, and thats not including houston, austin, dallas, el paso, denver albuquerque probably one of the most crappiest cities due to its latino's letting the place go to shit, filled with bright yelow tire shops. Snchez Prez, and replied they are with the Gulfo Cartel (CDG). Lol everybody color doesn't matter bad people can b anybody !!! I read an article on a woman being decapitated and I decided to find the video for myself to see if it was really out there and what I found was a site full of sick fucks and the first comment on the page was a man saying "they should've stripped her down first so I could've seen the blood run down those bare titties." I turned the volume off, as I prefer to SLEEP at nights and not have bad memories. i hope every bastards of those video makers related share the same fate in the end but the knives are to be dull so they are to be death slowly i don't advocate the victims but they are also the same humanity with us Even any animal doesn't kill other such like that in vain meaningless Humanity is the only animal whose cruelty is especially grotesque!! also PN had convoy with one armor. There's no other explanation and there's no other way to look at it.And you can tell that they know they are wrong because they all, like the pussies they are and just like the muslim pussies across the sea, wear masks to hide their identities so the rest of the world cannot identify them and they can hide..just like fkn cockroaches.If they thought they were right they wouldn't wear masks.If they weren't pussies, they wouldn't wear masks.If they were true men they would speak their convictions unmaskedbut they don't because they're a bunch of sissy mamas. You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow. Since the war began, the fighting has resulted in daily kidnappings, shooting, drive by shootouts, beheadings, dismemberments and other gory executions. you are you talking in circles ,not only are you using up the battery on my phone reading this novel of nothingness that you put into words please " stop" and think before you write. the only people that love watching this filthare adam laza type M.F. wow it must be all that spanish blood.after all it was the spaniards who dismembered and burned people alive. if you are barking up the tree that mexico is somehow more far along than the u.s in some way i dont get it? that would suck having your head cut off that way, must really hurt too. execution In 2013, Mexican Marines apprehended Miguel ngel Trevio Morales, the alleged cartel leader of Los Zetas. themostinterestingmaninamerica. deadgirl Video fatigues standing behind three kneeling men. Yea your really tough. I think for me watching the videos drives home the realism of it all. A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man's feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: . to all the people that say that no 1 deserves to die like thiswake up .yes they do deserve to die like this and even doesn't matter they were born into the life,they know what's right and wrong think this is horrible? Fucking narcos. Now THIS is an execution video the likes CDG and Zetas are known for, thats why I still dont believe the Valor Por Tamaulipas video is real, it just TOO MUCH hate this scumbags have to only give the guy a bullet to the head. Murder and beheading of 4 women by the Mexican cartel Los Zetas. do you know what it feels like to have a family member kidnapped and tortured? Peace. They were forcibly recruited and haven't been paid or fed by their bosses. February 26, 2013 at 4:31 AM"I saw one video in the past. Will not subject myself to that again"Hilarious,such pretentiousness.Good for you.This is humanity. So I added the screen shot taken at the point of decap. I saw one video in the past. I know what I see and so do the majority of my community! chivis why are you breaking your rule allowing the 11:17 to write in caps as though their words more important? This people will be punished by God with eternal deathThey are unforgiven for so much cruelty, all the people that enjoy watching this shit will burn in hell,someday y'all be dying too motherfuckers, why do we allow this to happen look over seas this happend and we shut the place down mexico is only a line away and we sit back and watch this idc what they did tooth for tooth i dont agree with it but are you sure that the ppl they killed didnt kill in the same manner in all we just need to shut down mexico send in the marines and let god and them fix it we need this to stop i mean women and kids really i know first had of all the bs in mexico and do no think any one person should live like that all i can say is i pray that god has mercy on u bc i dont and i hope as one said he knows he is going to hell well better you then me but if i ran into you knowing what u did to ppl me and you would have a meeting and i would show u what life is bc i work for god and i wont pray with u when i done ,,, may god bless everyone even you pos that are killing bc god will take care of u. I believe that no one has the right to take anyone's lie away but God. to happen to all those who goes against the letra, especially Vigilantes Mante I watch this video and get bloody sick.I start to squirm if I accidently nick my finger with paper. Its too late to write them off as bad people who deal drugs. Mexico is a beautiful place with wonderful people and I honestly believe the cartels have the power to turn Mexico into a great prosperous country again if they work together. Our AO was just north of Bien Hoa. Fuck u and baylor!!! the US is also at fault for backing up calderion, the usa acts like nothing is happening, we never hear what is going on in mexico on the news, like the usa goverment doesnt want us to know that is why i read borderland for the news, you guys and gals do a awesome job keep up the good work ive been fowlling borderlandbeat for years im a american citizen but born in mexico so seeing these beheading makes me scared to come back and i also think the people of mexico should be able to carry guns for selfdefense. I really hope mexico can find peace somehow. or if anyone wants to take a stab at it as presented. chopped then at 00:59 seconds it says "esto es del cdg culeros eh, y a todos les va pasar" which means " this is from cdg homos, this is gonna happen to everyone" (everyone that is a zeta). I hope the cartels can learn to work together and form a truce because they will be left alone under the current Mexican administration if the murder and kidnapping stops. Oh shit hes comin after me now.I will recognize him by his bulging eyes,quivering big lip,and a hump on his back,they say he sprays you when he talks?Big lip. that comes with it makes you wish you had never been involved. This was within the last decade. 1 / 6. "And whats your point sad sack? When the U.S. finally got involved with the hunt for Pablo Escobar back in the 90's, it was a very short time, not quite a year, before he was hunted down and executed. Drugs and money are not going with you when you die so what's the point in all this??? I couldn't watch the first video after seeing those fingers get cut off and the second one I scrolled down once the cutting started but the screams are horrible enough to haunt someone for a long time. What the bloody fuck would the center guy think during all this shit ? usa is weak for not intervining in these cruel and sick rituals these weak ass cartels display ! Accidentally stumbled, but God, please give peace to those poor soles that had to die so tragically. Hard core baby,hard core,big balls business, Ok adam lazcas daddy.u sound mentally unstable. one thing we dont hear is how much the mexican goverment is spending on the drug war. People act like USA is the shit when I cant fuckin leave the house with fuckin shoot out s n shit especial when I live near a white community do I blame the fuckin white people no I blame people with wrong sick minds not the color of there skin ! "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees,no.In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing. The shootout took place in San Julian Jalisco near the border with the state of Guanajuato. The two men who were also gunned down have been identified as Cruz Felipe Pizana Saldivar and Angel Carrizales Amaya. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. this is wat happens wen u eat bread n front of the poor. or a mother searching for a child every waking moment never to see them again !! Honest citizens who refuse to cooperate with them or are suspected of talking to the police can die the same way. The axe? Still, the humanity of it all is appalling to say the least.NOBODY deserves to die like that unless they themselves have inflicted death on someone else the same way. Who knows what these men were killed for REALLY? I personally cant seem to see the freakin message. why dont you get that tony!!! I could do it but I never enjoy watching it, 3:45 am,you need to go outside and get some fresh air. This happens everyday I'm from Laredo,tx this was goin on for as long as I can remember I was ten and it had been goin on for more than ten years I'm taking a risk just putting this comment here by the age of eleven I was in the fifth grade me and my friend rosalio reta were very good friends I remember rosalio told me that he chad meet some ppl that would help him make a lot of money and I asked what did we have to do but he didn't say nothing then he said do u want to make money or not we both grew up inane of the poorest parts I Laredo he had a huge family I didn't but my mother would struggle a lot with four kids by her self I never had a lot of things we didn't even have a car till I was fourteen then it broke down she didn't have anyone to help her with us we would stay home by ourselves so I thought to myself this is a good way to take us out of here just as I was goin to answer him my mother told us we were going to move because we couldn't afford the house we were renting so we moved to a much smaller place and my friend reta went on to being a sicario, I think to my self if I had gone to doin that I would be serving a 74 yr sentence just like my friend reta, Ps one thing I would not disrespect them because the are know to burn ppl alive for disrespecting them like that just so u know I don't approve of what they do and if the cover their face up it so they won't get caught, Motherfuckers they kill ppl for no reasonThey are hores. I'm a woman and I barely swear but these guys act like they are so tough. This is LIFE people do these things and some actually deserve it. Without a doubt. Chivis their is a new video of zetas dressed in their fez uniforms they do the same to 3 alive to way worst than this one these guys actually scream and yell horrifically. look.. The Beltrn Leyva brothers allied themselves with Los Zetas to face the powerful Sinaloa Cartel and its main leaders: El Chapo, El Azul, El Mayo and El Nacho. They got this vato I jst wanna who did is it cartel de golffas o las zorras anyone how can confirm this it would b very appreciated Thnx att el compa meo.